

20th October 2009


posted in General |

Gary Kasparov is not a household name in the USAas it is in much of the rest of the civilized world. He is a Russian intellectual author and the primary voice of the dissidents who oppose the policies and leadership of Vladimir Putin.  He is a contributor to the Wall St. Journal. His international fame rests on his having been  the International chess champion for several years.  But for his celebrity status he might well be languishing in a Russian Gulag somewhere in Siberia.

Here is his take on Mr.Obama.

” Like many Russians, I was encouraged by Mr Obama’s inspirational speech in Moscow last July, but he must know there is more to statesmanship than printing money making speeches.  Inflated rhetoric like inflated currency, can lead to disaster. The goodwill bubble Mt Obama is creating will burst unless there are real results soon.”   10/19/09

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