posted in General |David Letterman is a bright, intelligent, articulate entertainer. To many, he is the ultimate entertainer – never mind the element of news. He likes to be out in front of his competitors, so he and his writers are always on the cutting edge of decency vs indecency or class vs crudeness. Always looking for anything new that they can get away with on prime time TV. A week ago he went overboard with his disgusting swipe at the daughter(s) of Sara Palin. Now, give Sarah credit – she put him in his place. He has retreated to a public apology, but it has been lost in the uproar that is not likely to evaporate any time soon.
When Sarah burst on the national scene at the Rebublican convention last year, the Dems were caught flatfooted. Their carefully scripted game plan was in jeopardy, so the war cry went out to their left wing legions – “Sarah Palin must be destroyed!” Go after her, her husband, her kids, anyone. And to a degree they succeeded. But Sarah hasn’t gone away and if anything, Letterman’s gaffe enhanced her popularity, especially among women.
Maybe Letternan’s popularity and ratings will remain high, but I think he will pay the price for his atrocious commentary – in his parlance, a “joke”. Better keep laughing, Dave. And be sure to read the scripts before delivering your ho-hos.