

11th May 2009


There are memories, clear memories and selective memories.  Most if not all policians possess all three. Obama pledged open transparency in  government  — remember? And Nancy Pelosi followed suit by beating up on those deceitful Republicans. Remember? And now we have the public brouhaha over water boarding and “torture tactics” used in Iraq interrogations. The media simply gags at the thought of embarrassing Bam Bam or Nancy. So they switch the subject back to the economy.

Seriously, can you imagine being personally briefed on the “Interrogation ” techniques that were never intended to be used?  Why on earth would the CIA schedule briefings to high ranking people (40 briefings in all) on methods that would NOT be used. So now Nancy fumbles over her own words regarding waterboarding. Remember, this is the  #3 person in our government. Her politico buddies say that she may have mispoke. Lying is such a nasty word.

And then we have the “openness” idea from which Obama hides. There were any number of memos at the CIA and Obama was familiar with all of them. He — only he  –  selected the two to be released publicly and of course they cast doubt on the value of aggresssive interrogation. There were other memos that strongly supported the agressive interrogation techniques and offered examples of the high quality information obtained. But these memos have not been released and the stonewalling continues. To the Obama camp, transparency is about like looking thru a jar of molasses.

To most Americans, this pattern is clear, but the media is looking the other way. Don’t touch Obama!!  Who knows, he may throw Nancy to the wolves.

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