

15th March 2009


posted in General |

Question  —   Is it possible for eloquence to become boring??  Something to think about.

When I first heard and observed BHO speak publicly, maybe  2 years ago, like many others I was duly impressed. He can really turn a phrase and has a very good command of the English language. And I continued to be favorably impressed as the campaign progressed and he made major speeches at conventions, Party gatherings, debates, nominations, etc etc etc. He clearly has an ongoing love affair with microphones and captive audiences, and many audiences still are captive to his eloquence.

By the time we got to the $787 Billion speech plus the $400 Billion Budget his pitchmanship had begun to run a little thin. I wondered aloud if I was watching a re-run since his deliverances had begun to sound pretty much the same. Is this the Prez addressing the country  or just another campaign speech? Have I heard this before??

I answered my own question. Yes, it is possible for eloquence to become boring?  And once it becomes boring, it is no longer eloquent.  It just becomes smoke and mirrors.

Whatever became of what we used to call straight talk??  For example, ……  “The probabiliity is something less that positive… ”    How about just saying NO?

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