posted in General |Prominent historians and sociologists have observed that it takes 40-50 years for major technological change to take full effect in the USA. It was true for Steam engines, railroads, the commercial aircraft industry, Radio, TV, electronics, antibiotics, computers etc etc. Major change just doesn’t take place overnight. Right now, we live in an oil driven economy and the elites huff and puff about about ending our dependence on oil – particularly foreign oil. In their anti-oil campaign, they simply ignore harsh practicality — all in the name of the environment and global warming. Under the best of circumstances, it would take decades to replace oil with alternate energy sources. No matter, they say, we MUST end the dependence on oil – now.
The leftist drum beat continues – no drilling for oil, no processing oil shale, no nuclear power. Just rely on windmills, solar panels, water power etc etc. and let hundreds of thousands of cars run out of gas. What do they think hundreds of thousands of people will do without gasoline until this pie in the sky millenium arrives? What is the game plan for the intervening 30-40 years? How does our economy function? Details, details, they say. We have to see the big picture.
The tragic fact is that many of these nutcases really believe this baloney and they are willing to place their global warming hokum over the priority of the security of the country. And it is equally tragic that we have 500 elected people in Washington who don’t have the gumption to stand up and be counted. Gumption, gutless or ignorant. Take your pick.