posted in General |SHOWDOWN
Texas and Ohio — the newest version of the Gunfight at the OK Corral. All the marbles are on the table, and for Hillary it might be Custer's last stand. We might reflect on the financial morass that is Social Security reform. Both Bama and Hill voted to kill Bush's proposal for private acounts to broaden the base of retirement income for older folks. They defeated the effort without proposing anything else. Now it is a dead letter awaiting the next wake-up call. But if the Social Security financial mess is huge, the Medical/Health Care mess is multiple times worse — big enough to bankrupt the country. And in all of their campaign eloquence about Universal Heath care, what about how we intend to pay for it?? Nada!
An eloquent writer , Dr Mark hendrikson, offered a sage comments in the press last week — “Government can only give people wealth that it has taken from others.” Like maybe,taxes?? Taxes is a bad word to many who save and invest. But not to Bama and Hill. Taxes put the gasoline in the White House Limousine. Does it bother you that we have 2 csndidates who simply try to out-promise each other by committing expendtures from funds we don't have?? And they call that a debate??