

4th February 2008



I am increasingly amused at the way in which the Presidential candidates have latched onto the electioneering watchword, “Change”. When is the last time you have heard a candidate who did NOT advocate change. They all do — it's a given. Mr Obama would have you believe that he had discovered a political axiom that is comparable to re-inventing the wheel. “I will be the agent of change”. Really?
Like change what? Change from X to Y or Z?? It is discouraging to see so many dimwits buying this garbage without pursuing the followup questions. Specify, please. Take a simple example. It is commonly conceded that Social Security is financially unsound and has to be changed. Pray tell, Hillary or Obama, how would you change the system? Higher taxes, lower benfits, different eligibility. what?? They will give you all of the glorious generalities and buzzwords, but no specifics. Glib generalities won't cut it. How many TV journalists will keep their feet to the fire?? They will take you for a trip around th barn, but no direct answer. Only the grand goal of “change”. Does that kind of pitchmanship earn a vote.
Not from this end.

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