
Secular Progressives

17th February 2007

Secular Progressives

posted in General |


Religion has played a major role in our country since the days of our Founding Fathers, and evidence of it can be seen in our buildings, monuments, codes, oaths, currency, and sacred documents. But that doesn't deter the Secularists who are bound and determined to eradicate religion from our public life. I thought about all this a few weeks back while watching the formal ceremonies associated with the burial of former President Gerald Ford. The trappimgs of religion were visibly displayed for the whole country to see — references to the Deity, God, Our Father, Jesus Christ, the Bible, Scripture readings, and prayers from several religious figures.
While watching all of this, and thinking about this holy war over separation of Church and State, how can we justify and honor this kind of religious based ceremony over 2-3-4 days, and at the same time ban prayers by a group of football players before the kickoff? Or gut the pledge of allegiance to delete a reference to God. What kind of devious judicial opinion has gotten us to this point. Where is our compass, when these aberrant individuals say in effect, “Yeah, we know all about your laws and customs, and beliefs, but we are here now — so change them. And compliant secular judges say “Sure, buddy!” The SPs (Secular Progressives) say that nothing is sacred, and religious based belief has no foundation in our society. Translated, that means there is no such thing as right and wrong, and the days of silly moralizing are long gone.
They will never try to amend the Constitution — rather, they will simply find Judges to do their dirty work and decent people will see their world of beliefs crumble. It is happeneing every day.
I am no religious zealot, but I'm not at all sure that our universe and its myriad of life forms came about through evolution alone. And I'm less sure that a prayer before kickoff will damage someone's life.

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