
Gasoline Prices

28th April 2006

Gasoline Prices

posted in General |


     We are over the $3.00 per gallon threshhold heading for who knows what, and the national media are having a real treat beating up on those greedy, selfish, nasty, money-hungry, Corporate sharks who are taking advantage of every opportunity to gouge US Citizens while the fat cats swell the Corporate coffers  by millions and millions of dollars at the expense of the “man in the street”. No one in the private sector is spared, including all of those nasties driving gas guzzling SUV's (except those in Hollywood). The news is stronly anti-Corporate and anti-business.

     I am not all that happy about gas prices over $3.00 and climbing. But with all of the moaning, groaning and ciiticism of the oil industry, there is one fact that seems to be ignored by the gurus of the left. During this run-up of gas prices at the pump, the price of crude oil has increased from $50 per barrel to $70 dollars per barrel. I have always felt that the  price per barrel of crude drove the price at the pump. No matter what the use of the oil may be, it all starts with the price of crude oil. It is not my purpose to defend the practices or pricing policies oif Big Oil. But it seems to me that in the broad condemnantion of the oil companies, and the hardships caused by high gasoline prices, the soaring cost of crude oil (almosts a 40% increase) has to be fingered as the main culprit.

     Is the news you get from the media accurate without even mentioning  the huge price uncrease of crude oil?  –  an increase not controlled by the US Government or the US Oil companies ???  

     Think about it!

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