
A Big Mess

18th September 2005

A Big Mess

posted in General |


     New Orleans is a mess  — a very big mess. But that is nothing new. It has been a big mess for a long time. In searching for a synonym for “corruption”, New Orleans would be a good place to start. Now, of course, the Crescent City is a much bigger mess  — the Katrina mess. Certainly there is no sentiment to abandon our fellow citizens who are in total and desperate need of help, so we have to live with this  huge mess for months and years to come. We can only hope at the outcome.

     I don't quarrel with the President's outline of programs to rebuild and reconstruct New Orleans. He really didn't have much choice. But when $200 BILLION dollars are involved, I am not very comfortable about how our tax dollars will be spent. Obviously, the New Orleans City officials as well as the State leaders in Baton Rouge just can't wait to get their hands on such largesse. The small change is enough to make friends and associates millionaires over nite. Here is a case where $100,000 amounts to chump change. In a political environment built on decades of graft, fraud and kickbacks, it is far too much to expect that our tax dollars will be safe-guarded or well spent. And it is reasonably safe to assume that the bureaucracies administering umpteen re-construction programs will live for decades and grow in size every year.

     The basic problem is that the dollars to be spent to re-build New Orleans are tax dollars. They don't belong to anyone  –  they are just sitting in a big pile in Washington  —   waiting to be spent. In not belonging to anyone, they are are free for the taking, and accountability is just a matter of missing records. Just wait and see  — when we get to the $100,000,000,000 mark, just ask your Congressman, “Where did it all go?” Answer, “Nobody knows”.

     A good exercise would be to count the number of new millionaires in Louisiana in 2015. This is not a lottery for those in the inner circle.   –  nope, it is a sure thing. To some, Katrina was a tragedy. To others it will be a bonanza. Remember, the objective is to throw money at the problems, not save nickels and dimes.

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