posted in General |IRAN
This nuclear hassle in progress between the West ands Iran is a matter of truly major major concern. It is not so much the ability of the Iranians to build a bomb (politely termed a nuclear device) but also the control of such a weapon by some very unstable people. Iran is not just another two-bit banana republic making a lot of noise. It is a huge country — a third larger than Texas – with a substantial number of well educated people. While the population of 45+ million is muslim (Shiites), they are not arabs. Also, their language is Farsi not arabic, and their numbering system is different even at the elementary level of 1 – 10. Of great concern should be the open antagonism (i.e., religious based hatred) aimed at both Israel and the USA. For years, the Iranian leaders have funded terrorist organizations whose efforts have been and still are aimed at Israel.
The Iranian leaders may make accommodations with other Middle East regimes, but it would be a mistake to assume that they are part of a unified Arab bloc. Under the leadership of Ayatollahs and Mullahs, they champion the cause of Islam, but still march to their own drummer. There are a substantial number of younget Iranians who orient toward the west, but they are caught right under the thumb of the Clerical leaders of the Iranian givernment. Thus, there isn't much of a chance of another upheaval in Iran.
If it appears that Iran will get the “bomb”, there are military hawks who would say we should bomb the facilities, i.e., “take them out”. Anything to prevent them from becoming a nuclear power. That is a bit more difficult than it might seem. Just think of locating 10-20 underground facilities in Texas. At the moment, Geo Bush has deferred to the European nations (Germany, France and Britain) to pressure the Iranians to forego their nuclear ambitions. Personally, I have little confidence in the persuasive skills of the Euros. But the real question is, “What do we do if Iran gets the bomb?” – and that decision sooner or later will fall to the White House. Nobody else will make it — and the UN is worse than helpless.
Nuclear North Korea is a threat, but NK is surrounded by countries that can bring a lot of pressure to bear. Not so with Iran. Their religion fueled hatred of the west is something that we can't solve by mere rhetoric. When the Iranians go nuclear, we all have a lot to worry about. Theirs is the type of irrational thought that could lead to someone pressing the big button. We will never be safe until the government of the Ayatollahs falls.