posted in General |WITHDRAWAL
Nowadays, the intelligentsia and the liberal media are pouncing on the idea of setting a withdrawal date from Iraq. The Iraqis now have a government (of sorts) and are acquiring the strength to handle their own affairs — notwithstanding the “insurgents” who are hell bent on creating a civil war and and killing off democracy in the middle east. It is a fact that we are incurring casualties — not a foreign event in a war. And so the liberals say. “enough is enough” – it is time to get out and let the Iraqis fend for themselves. Translated, that means “cut and run” just as the terrorists predicted we would do.
It we set a withdrawal date, we also set a date for the terrorists — whether they be from Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, or all of the above. When we set a date, they make their plans and patiently wait until we bail out and hand the conflict over to the Iraqis – and them. What kind of birdbrains would set a date to guarantee the failure of middle east democracy, and vitually guarantee a civil war in Iraq? Sure, it is OK to be a pacifist and a critic of the Iraqi War, but that is a far cry from insuring defeat by announcing a cut off (withdrawal )date. Even if we were to decide upon a withdrawal date, anyone with an IQ over 20 would understand that it would be suicidal to announce it.
Here is Senator Joe Biden – looking for ways to get his mugshot on TV screens as a way to bolster his recently announced Presidential ambitions. So now he poses as the great guru on foreign policy, notwithstanding the effect on our troops in the field, or our posture internationally. As a convicted plagiarist, he deserves contempt, not prime time coverage on Meet the Press.