I attended college on the GI Bill of Rights. Without it, I would never have gotten there. At different campus affairs, the ROTC cadets marched and made their appearances and were respected if not applauded. They were certainly not looked upon with disdain nor contempt. Several of my classmates were ROTC cadets, and while we may have kidded them on occasion, we never disparaged them nor discredited the uniform. Now we have some of our “big name” academic institututions that are banning ROTC from their campuses. What a helluva note.
Universities are special places, and there is a lot to be said for academic freedom. But it seems to me that these colleges and universities exist for the opportunity of students to learn. And they even recruit the brighter students. Somehow, the cart is in front of the horse. Now we have students who are saying, “Now we are here, and we'll tell you how to run this outfit”. And our mealy mouthed spineless academics respond — “Sure, OK, whatever you want”. If ever you want to see an example of the inmates running the asylum, just go to UCal Berkeley, or Columbia. Those two for starters. Is it too much to expect that the Trustees and Directors of Universities simply say to students. “ROTC is here and will stay here, and if you don't like it that's just too damned bad”. These under classmen Cadets are young men and women ready to put their lives on the line to defend these hapless windbags, and all they get is the back of the hand from scumbags who wouldn't cross the street to defend this country from anyone. If they want to to protest, let them. If they want to debate, let them. But the answer is not to ban ROTC from the campus. And I don't give a ratzass about hassles over homo's (gays, queers) in the military.
The military exists to protect this nation and its citizens — not to placate academic windbags and their student cohorts. Somewhere, somehow, someone has to set the rules. ROTC is but a small part of a major undertaking. And when we see ROTC banned from college campuses, shouldn't we ask, “Is anyone in charge here?” Does anyone have the guts to stand up and be counted?
As an Alumnus, I contribute to my University. When they ban ROTC, they will have gotten my last dollar.
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