Larry Summers is the President of Harvard University. In academic circles, that is a big job. He has recently come under fire from much of the Harvard faculty, and particularly its feminist component. A month or so ago, Summers was speaking at a luncheon and at one point commented about the disparate male/female ratio in the Engineering and Science Schools where the males outnumber the females by about 3:1. He offered several explanations for the ratio, and even inferred that there might be a genetic difference between males and females that would account for the disparate numbers. Following this comment, one distraught feminist faculty member arose and left the meeting lest she become ill over such a suggestion. Then the storm broke. (At this point I might digress. It might serve Harvard well to install a rule requiring those who barf on the campus to clean up the mess themselves. It might do wonders for intellectual tolerance). The incensed Harvard faculty went after Summers’ scalp (failed) and sought a “no confidence” vote (succeeded). He is still in office. The haughty Harvard faculty is made up of ossified fossils (Deans) who are resistant to change. They glory in running their own little fiefdoms and insist that no changes be made without their individual consent. Summers on the other hand, was hired to undertake some major projects/challenges — i.e., to make waves. Classic standoff. My household is far from a male chauvinist sanctuary. With a lovely wife (college grad), three daughters (college grads) and a female dog I am only too aware of the female point of view on most matters. However I have very little use for feminist extremists — like, for instance, that poor soul at Harvard). Even so, I have not adopted Rush Limbaugh’s favorite term, “femi-nazi”, and I have generally abstained from using the term “broads” out of deference to female sensitivities. With all of this flap, since when is it out of bounds to debate issues where the data is not final or compelling? Isn’t that what academia is all about? Does mighty Harvard allow only one point of view to be expressed? Is Harvard in the business of supressing intellectual inquiry? I do not necessarily support any genetic explanation of male/female ratios, but is the issue beyond debate? Think about it this way. Much of academia has looked the other way while a dimwit like Ward Churchill (Colorado Univ) spouts his contemptible venom at campuses across the country. All we hear is “free speech”, and “first amendment”. But at Harvard? Ah, no. Let’s appease or pacify the feminists and muzzle debate. Larry Summers has abjectly apologized for his comments — unnecessarily in my book. Perhaps this is his way of being “broad-minded” (pun intended). The more I think about it, “broad” is a useful word — figuratively and physically. It is back in my vocabulary.
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