Now what on earth does MM stand for? The possibilities are almost endless, but a number immediately come to mind. Could it be Movie Maker, Misguided Missile, Mental Mau-Mau, Motor Mouth, Mealy-Mouth Mugger, Malevolent Malcontent, Mendacious Mercenary, Massive Maggot, or, – perhaps even Michael Moore. If by chance, Michael Moore is the targeted term, then all of the other MM possibilities apply. As you can tell, I don't have much use for Mr. Moore.
It is common knowledge that Michael Moore is the Chairman of the Hate George Bush Society. Not dislike George Bush, or disagree with George Bush, or oppose George Bush — HATE George Bush. I don't deny Mr Moore his free speech rights, but I draw the line at espousing hatred. I would like to think that hate mongers have no place in our poltical discourse. But no so with Mr Moore. Currently, Mr. Moore is peddling a movie entitled “Fahrenheir 9/11″ in which he attempts to destroy not only George Bush but the rest of his family as well and also place his spin on recent history. Disney has stopped its Miramax Film Division from distributing the film because of its political vitriol and its outright lying. In addition, Alan Murray, a highly respected journalist and author, (CNBC, Capitol Report, Washington Week in Review, Wall Street Journal) challenged the veracity of many of Moore's assertions in the film and found them to be false, as did the 9/11 Commission still finishing its work. Mr. Moore dismissed Murray's finding with “I'll stick to my sources”. In a Wall Street Journal article, Mr Murray said, “Fahrenheit 9/11 isn't to be confused with Truth Telling” – obviously a conservative estimate. But in the Hitlerian tradition of the Big Lie, Moore rolls along on his pattern of deceit.
I didn't vote for Bill Clinton — either time — and I can't imagine the circumstances that would tempt me to vote for Hillary. I don't respect either one, but I don't HATE them. Clinton was an unscrupulous degenerate and a pathological liar and Hillary falls way short of honesty in handling her affairs. I wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw an elephant. But that is a far step from HATING them.
Just take a look at Moore. I'm not sure he knows a barber and his unshaven visage conveys a slovenly unclean appearance. He looks like a slob, acts like a slob, talks like a slob — face it, he is a slob. If I had to take sides in political debate, one look at him is enough to tell me what side I'd prefer. And to boot, his corpulence suggests a legacy from the beltway Balloon, Ted Kennedy.
In the months to come, you will probably see a lot of Mr. More. Take a good look and consider his appearance and hateful utterances.
Unclean — that's a good descriptive term.