

6th November 2004



     Out here on the Left Coast, there is a persistent story making the rounds to the effect that the biggest culprit in the loss of the Presidential election by the Democrats is SanFrancisco's featherweight Mayor, Gavin Newsome. It was Newsome who chose to defy California Law and authorize same-sex marriages in San Francisco  — the Capitol of the area that has become known as the land of fruits and nuts. Up until he made his fateful decision ( it was later reversed by the Courts) same sex marriage was a peripheral issue on the back burner of the political range. Mr. Newsome's adventure transformed it into a major national issue that clearly energized the traditional value folks all over the country. Eleven states had ballot issues to ban same sex marriages and all eleven passed  — by big margins.

     As the story goes, the suddenly activated conservatives (called religious fanatics or right wing extremists by the elitist left)  voted in droves to support the ballot measures and also, George Bush. Hence, the heavy voter turnout that added to the Bush vote talley can be placed at the doorstep of Mr Newsome  — back in San Francisco. The Democrats claim that the huge turnout of conservatives in Ohio made the difference. There just may be something to this version of post election analysis.

     There is no doubt that many people voted their convictions, and the Republicans won the culture war. If the country is deeply divided , it won't be bridged easily as long as the “losers” keep condescendingly referring to “stupid red-neck morons” in the Red states. And you wonder why there is such a divide??

     Maybe Gavin wasn't the main culptrit. Any party that has Michael Moore as its image isn't going to appeal to most adult Americans.

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6th November 2004



     Nancy Pelosi is the Minority Leader in the US House of Representatives. She is a nice person, a good mother, and her children love her dearly. She is also a San Francisco Democrat, standing firmly at the far left fringe of the political spectrum. This past Friday, she appeared on NBC's Today show and talked about the 2004 Presidential election.

    Ms.Pelosi referred to a deep political divide in the country and averred that Prez Bush had an obligation to reach across the aisle to Democrats to bridge that divide. I think that Nancy got it all bass-ackwards. If the Ds want to have a voice in how the nation is governed in the next 4 years, THEY are the ones who have the obligation to reach across the aisle. Does she really believe that in order to pacify Democrats George Bush should repudiate the constituency that elected him and alter or compromise his position on matters such as taxes, terrorism, Iraq, appointment of judges, same-sex marriages, abortion, gun control, social security, medicare, education, etc., etc., etc.? Nancy would do well to think about the old adage that “Winning Generals do not seek truces”.

     For the past three+ years, the Democrats have been the obstructionists in Congress, and it was that persistent obstructionism that cost Tom Daschle his South Dakota Senate seat. To astute political observers, that singular event should not go unnoticed.

     George Bush's political clout is as strong now as it ever will be. He should set his priorities and move on them  …. now. If Nancy Pelosi persists in getting in the way she just might get run over. Her choice.

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