Racism And Diversity
The Supremes have spoken, and thanks to Sandra Day O'Conner, racism has now been institutionalized into the fabric of the law, and “diversity” (vague and undefined) has been elevated to constitutional status. A truly sad state of affairs. For years. I have been convinced that educational institutions should confine themselves to academics and not be convenient vehicles for societal and political change. Now they have achieved a long sought goal – to control the thought processes of the country – legally. The high brow academicians will no doubt stretch the decision that went their way and simultaneously find ways to get around the one that is a mere hindrance.
Of particular concern to me is this notion of diversity, which now becomes the standard for academic admissions. Anything that gets in the way of diversity (no matter how defined) will simply be cast aside. If traditional testing, the ACT scores or SAT sccores do not pomote the cause of diversity ( as defined by a particular school) they can be cavalierly set aside or ignored. The big university major domos will essentially be able to say, “we will admit who we choose to admit to advance the cause of diversity , and if you don't like it, tough!” After all, if it advances the cause of diversity, who can argue?
I have always felt that diversity is the RESULT of the social, economic and political inter-action of the various elements of our society. Now the reverse has been officially baptized. Now, diversity becomes the official GOAL of academic institutions. Can't you just see the President of Offset University saying to a graduating class, “Maybe a lot of these kids aren't too smart, but we sure are diverse!” The richness of cultural diversity? Baloney. Who set that as a norm? From here on out, we shouldn't think of Universities as citadels of learning; now they are social laboratories in which academic excellence is academic (forgive the pun).
It all started with the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 when Equal Opportunity was the cry. That quickly became Quotas. Then when Quotas were struck down. it became Affirmative Action. When that was seen (accurately) as Preferential Treatment. that too was struck down. But now, the Supremes say racism is OK and diversity is the big protective umbrella. Before, the cry was “racism”. Now it will be “not diverse enough”.
Justice O'Conner is famed for straddling the fence and tilting one way or another on tough decisions. She ran true to form in splitting the baby on the Michigan cases. It is said that she is close to retirement. Bye Bye Sandra, I hope the door doesn't hit you in the fanny on the way out.
This country has a lot of different races, nationalities, cultures, religions etc.,and as long as we treat them differently and preferentially , i.e., “some people are more equal than others” , we drift further and further away from the “United” found in USA. In football terms, Sandra Day O”Conner just penalized all of us 15 yards. It will be hard yardage to regain.
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