
What’s Next?

25th March 2002

What’s Next?

posted in General |


      For ordinary people, it is almost impossible to enter the mindset of Bin Laden, his fellow fanatics and murderous followers. Who in their right minds could fashion something as horrifying as the 9/11 bombings? But he and his henchmen did. So now, what is their next move.

     In some remote hideout they could be saying, “Look guys, we hurt them badly. Three out of four and we would have settled for one. They've come back and hurt us badly. Our communications are disrupted, they have cut off some of the money flow, our training bases are gone, and they've taken out a lot of our Al Qaeda guys. We are gonna have to back off and re-group, but we are not dead.  Sure we could set up a few car bombs and suicide guys in the USA, but 9/11 put us in the big leagues as far as Big Satan is concerned.  We have to think big. So, let's tell our guys to back off, get lost, stay invisible and “go to sleep”. Just tell them we will be in touch  –  and think about Oct-Nov.

     Right now, we've got them where we want them. They are thrashing about looking for 100% security at airports, bridges, train terminals etc. Spending gobs of money and causing all kinds of domestic problems. All we have to do is float a few rumors and they go ballistic. So let them chase ghosts and waste a lot of resources. In the meantime, let's just stay out of sight and wait.

     The chemical and bio stuff scares the wits out of people, but they are hard to handle and control. Our best big ticket is to nuke them. We have to use the time to get all of the stuff and make a big boomer. We'll make 9/11 look like a firecracker. That's the game plan. Let's go. Allah will lead us!!”

     Far fetched?  I don't think so. In the past, those with nuclear weapons were deterred by the retaliation aspect  -  to say nothing of the humanitarian concerns. But BL and his buddies are a different breed. They are already the walking dead and they could care less what happens in the aftermath. If they think Allah awaits them, why should they care about how they get there? We don't have much choice but to go after them in Afghanistan, The Phillipines etc., but while we dither over the Israelis and Palestinians, and chasing down remnants of the Taliban, I think they will quietly try to get a nuke with every intention to use it. Not a very pleasant prospect   —  and I hope our G-2 is up to the task!


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